Conventional Septic Tank  
  UNITED Septic Tank
High construction cost
High construction cost
Cannot be shifted
Can be shifted
Not Easy to clean
Easy to clean by oneself
Durability - Doubtful
Durability Guaranteed
Chances of seepage more
Tested for seepage
Trench is necessary
No trench required
Require more space
Can be fitted in small area
Can be built only on ground
Can be kept on any type of floors
Not suitable for all soil conditions
Adaptable anywhere
Non - Corrosive
  Did you treat the ‘Elements’ right ?
Panchabhutha or the 'five elements' constituting earth, wind, fire, water, and space are very important to our existence.
  Bacteria Kills... for a better cause here !
A septic tank is a processing tank and not a dumping tank. The process taking place inside the tank is by bacteria
  Are you at risk ?
It is neither Engineering nor Architectural defect that endangers your life. It is Microbiology…..!!!!
Polyethylene Septic Tank
As the name suggests, United Polyethylene Septic Tanks, are made of Polyethylene in a single moulding. The unique size and 3 chamber design of United Polyethylene...
  Polyethylene Septic Tank, RCC Septic Tank,Vertical Septic Tank and Modular Tank.
RCC Septic Tank
United RCC Septic Tanks are made of high-quality rich concrete to assure you a maintenance-free, trouble-free functioning. And these are made to last many years and to withstand all kinds of load and vibrations...
  RCC Septic Tank, Polyethylene Septic Tank, Vertical Septic Tank and Modular Tank.
Domestic Sewage Treatment
We have developed a new patented Sewage Treatment Plant for independent houses, designed to treat 1000 Ltrs per day - both Black and Grey water. This system has been...
  Vertical Septic Tank and Modular Tank, RCC Septic Tank, Polyethylene Septic Tank.
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